Relaxed round at the southern shore of Berzdorf Lake, Görlitz



4.07 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
  • 00:25 h
  • 22 m
  • 22 m
  • 187 m
  • 210 m
  • 23 m
  • 4.07 km
  • Start: Görlitz, hotel "Gut am See", Berzdorf Lake
  • Destination: Görlitz, hotel "Gut am See", Berzdorf Lake
Relax while jogging along the southern shore of Berzdorf Lake, enjoying the fresh air.

You are guest at the hotel "Gut am See" and you would like to relax while jogging along the lake? Then this tour is the right for you. It offers both straight stretches and an ascent and you can feel the fresh air while running.

Due to its asphalted ways, Berzdorf Lake is a very popular destination to go jogging, to cycle and to skate. If you would like to start at the hotel "Insel der Sinne", have a look at our second tour "Tour along the Berzdorf Lake and through Hagenwerder".

For further information on sports at Berzdorf Lake:

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH




Getting there
Relaxed round at the southern shore of Berzdorf Lake, Görlitz
02827 Görlitz