Remscheid Röntgen Trail




64.56 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 18:06 h
  • 1,191 m
  • 1,195 m
  • 134 m
  • 341 m
  • 207 m
  • 64.56 km

Hike the long circular route around Remscheid

This big circular route around Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen's birthplace, Remscheid, is almost 60 kilometres long. Due to the average hiking time of around 15 hours, it’s best to hike this one in several stages - not least because there’s a lot to discover along the way. The Röntgen trail is marked by the Sauerland Mountain Association with a white in a circle on a black background.

Start at the German Röntgen Museumin Remscheid Lennep
The start and end point of the circular trail is the picturesque old town of Remscheid Lennep. The house where Conrad Röntgen was born, the German Röntgen Museum is located between timber-framed houses that are built closely together. You can learn all about the physicist here and his most famous discovery, x-rays. 

From the museum, walk first of all to the Wuppertal reservoir, then on to Bergisch Born and from there past the Eschbach reservoir into the Eschbach valley. When you reach the outskirts of the Unterburg district of Solingen, it’s worth taking a detour up to Schloss Burg.

From the Wupper to the Gelpe and back to the idyllic old town
The route continues in the direction of Müngsten, through the forest that lines the Wupper and after the Müngsten Bridge down into the Morsbach valley. Follow the hiking trail, sometimes closer to and sometimes slightly further away from the course of the Morsbach to Remscheid Hasten, where you can step away from the path and visit the Tool Museum. At Steffenshammer in the district of Clemenshammer, turn into the Gelpe valley. Fancy taking a break at Haus Zillertal? Then follow the Saalbach to Heusiepen and walk in an arc through Remscheid Lüttringhausen and across Garschager Heide back to Lennep.

Tip: There are lots of great places along the route where you can stop for a break or stay the night. We would be happy to help you plan a longer stay.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Contact person

Bergisches Land Tourismus Marketing e.V.
Kölner Str. 8
42651 Solingen


Text: Lilian Möntmann, bearbeitet/übersetzt: Supertext/Home of Translation GmbH


Bergisches Land Tourismus Marketing e.V.


Getting there

Bergisches Land Tourismus Marketing e.V.
Schwelmer Str. 41
42897 Remscheid