d.one Test- dev EVENT Leer in toto



[INFORNATIONEN:BESCHREIBUNG:Detaillierte Beschreibung] English


last Update: 10.01.2025
fyi: For [BEGIN] the format Heading 1 has been chosen
A formatted text can be entered here. Within a text, bolded texts can be inserted, also a text passage can be italic or underlined displayed. If a text is to be particularly emphasised, it can be bolded and italicised or even bolded and italicised and underlinedFor better readability, links can be can be hiddenbehind text.
Individual lines or sections can be indented
and thus the text can be structured even further.
To make this easier to see,
here are a few more indented lines of text.
This is the last indented line.

Bulleted lists and checklists further structure the text.

There are checklists....

fyi: For [There are checklists], the format Heading 2 was chosen
  • first entry in the checklist
  • second entry in the checklist
  • middle entry in the checklist
  • fourth entry in the checklist with a total of five items
  • last entry in the checklist

and enumerations

  1. fyi: For [and bulleted lists] the format Heading 2 was chosen
  2. first entry
  3. another slightly longer entry
  4. middle entry bolded and italicised for emphasis
  5. fourth entry
  6. last entry with rather long text, so the text may break. Does the presentation nevertheless remain neat?
fyi: For [END], the format Heading 1 was chosen




Tuesday, the 25.02.2025

07:30 - 14:45

Thursday, the 27.02.2025

10:35 - 17:30

Monday, the 03.03.2025

09:55 - 17:30

Good to know

General Information

  • Registration required

  • Open Air

  • Tourist Event

  • Open air with covered seats


  • Bad Weather Offer

  • Suitable for any Weather

  • Barrierfree

  • Target Group Teenager

  • Target Group Adult

  • Target Group Family

  • Target Group the Elderly

  • for Children of all Ages

  • Suitable for Pushchair

  • for Children of the age of 0-3

  • for Children of the age of 3-6

  • for Children of the age of 10 upwards

  • for Groups

  • for Class

  • for familys

  • for individual guests

  • Pet allowed

Foreign Language

German, English, French, Dutch

Payment Options

American Express, Cash, Diners Club, Debit Card, contactless payment, Mastercard, PayPal, Visa, Booking of tickets, Tickets at the door

Hygiene and infection safety measures

  • Notice signs

  • Adequate ventilation

  • Floor markings in waiting areas

  • Regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, door handles and handrails

  • Provision of skin-friendly soap

  • Providing mouth-nose coverage

  • Provision of dispensers with disinfectants for hand disinfection

  • Management of entry and exit by personnel



fyi: For [BEGIN] the format Überschrift 1 has been chosen
A formatted text can be entered here. Within a text, bolded texts can be inserted, also a text passage can be displayed italic or underlined. If a text is to be particularly emphasised, it can be bolded and italicised or even bolded and italicised and underlined For better readability, linksbe hidden behind text.
Individual lines or sections can be indented to further structure the text.
To make this easier to see, here are a few more indented lines of text. This is the last indented line.
Bulleted lists and checklists further structure the text.

There are checklists....

fyi: For [There are checklists], the Überschrift 2 format was chosen
  • first entry in the checklist
  • second entry in the checklist
  • middle entry in the checklist
  • fourth entry in the checklist with a total of five items
  • last entry in the checklist

and enumerations

fyi: For [and bulleted lists] the format Überschrift 2 was chosen
  1. first entry
  2. another slightly longer entry
  3. middle entry bolded and italicised for emphasis
  4. fourth entry
  5. last entry with rather long text, so the text may break. Does the presentation nevertheless remain neat?
fyi: For [END], the format Überschrift 1 was chosen



Directions & Parking facilities

Number of parking spaces6
Garage parking spaces4
Handicapped parking spaces1
Bus parking spaces4
This is a slightly longer description.

This is a wonderful way to check later in the frontend whether the display is also complete for longer texts and whether the layout is correct.

The structure of the description text is simple:
It starts with the data.destination.one field description
in square brackets.
The actual description text is then inserted between [BEGIN] and [END].
This makes it possible to see at first glance whether the text is complete.
[Start paragraph formatting with


This paragraph starts on a new line and ends with an empty line.
[End paragraph formatting with

[Start paragraph formatting with >br>]

Here, the paragraph formatted in this way begins with a blank line and also ends with a blank line.

[End paragraph formatting with
[Start paragraph formatting with line break manual]
This paragraph begins on a new line. Three manual line breaks, i.e. empty lines, now follow here.

This sentence is then also on a new line.
[End paragraph formatting with manual line break]
Here we are already at the last sentence. After this sentence, no more than the end mentioned above may be displayed.

Social Media

Price info

Price adult: €12.50
Price child: €4.50
Price reduced: €9.90
Price family: €30.00
Senioren: €9.00
Kinder bis 6 Jahre: €0.00
[PREISE:ALLGEMEINE INFORMATION:Allgemeine Preisinformationen] English
This is a slightly longer description.

This is a wonderful way to check later in the frontend whether the display is also complete for longer texts and whether the layout is correct.

The structure of the description text is simple:
It starts with the data.destination.one field description
in square brackets.
The actual description text is then inserted between [BEGIN] and [END].
This makes it possible to see at first glance whether the text is complete.
[Start paragraph formatting with


This paragraph starts on a new line and ends with an empty line.
[End paragraph formatting with

[Start paragraph formatting with >br>]

Here, the paragraph formatted in this way begins with a blank line and also ends with a blank line.

[End paragraph formatting with
[Start paragraph formatting with line break manual]
This paragraph begins on a new line. Three manual line breaks, i.e. empty lines, now follow here.

This sentence is then also on a new line.
[End paragraph formatting with manual line break]
Here we are already at the last sentence. After this sentence, no more than the end mentioned above may be displayed.
Information on reduced prices: [PREISE:ALLGEMEINE INFORMATION:Preis ermäßigt gilt für] English
This is a slightly longer description.

This is a wonderful way to check later in the frontend whether the display is also complete for longer texts and whether the layout is correct.

The structure of the description text is simple:
It starts with the data.destination.one field description
in square brackets.
The actual description text is then inserted between [BEGIN] and [END].
This makes it possible to see at first glance whether the text is complete.
[Start paragraph formatting with


This paragraph starts on a new line and ends with an empty line.
[End paragraph formatting with

[Start paragraph formatting with >br>]

Here, the paragraph formatted in this way begins with a blank line and also ends with a blank line.

[End paragraph formatting with
[Start paragraph formatting with line break manual]
This paragraph begins on a new line. Three manual line breaks, i.e. empty lines, now follow here.

This sentence is then also on a new line.
[End paragraph formatting with manual line break]
Here we are already at the last sentence. After this sentence, no more than the end mentioned above may be displayed.

Contact person

d.one Test - dev ADRESSE Standort Bremen in toto
[KONTAKT:KONTAKTDATEN:Straße] Bremen keine Mehrsprachigkeit
28217 Bremen - [KONTAKT:KONTAKTDATEN:Ortsteil] Bremen keine Mehrsprachigkeit


[INFORNATIONEN:AUTOR:Firma] keine Mehrsprachigkeit
Firma [INFORNATIONEN:AUTOR:Titel] keine Mehrsprachigkeit [INFORNATIONEN:AUTOR:Vorname] keine Mehrsprachigkeit [INFORNATIONEN:AUTOR:Nachname] keine Mehrsprachigkeit
[INFORNATIONEN:AUTOR:Straße] keine Mehrsprachigkeit
28217 Bremen - [INFORNATIONEN:AUTOR:Ortsteik] keine Mehrsprachigkeit


[INFORNATIONEN:ORGANISATION:Name] keine Mehrsprachigkeit
[INFORNATIONEN:ORGANISATION:Straße] keine Mehrsprachigkeit
93462 Lam - [INFORNATIONEN:ORGANISATION:Ortsteil] keine Mehrsprachigkeit


Getting there

d.one Test ADRESSE Standort Leer in toto
[KONTAKT:KONTAKTDATEN:Straße] Leer keine Mehrsprachigkeit
26789 Leer (Ostfriesland) - [KONTAKT:KONTAKTDATEN:Ortsteil] Leer keine Mehrsprachigkeit


d.one Test - dev ADRESSE Standort Landsberg am Lech in toto
[KONTAKT:KONTAKTDATEN:Straße] Landsberg keine Mehrsprachigkeit
86899 Landsberg am Lech - [KONTAKT:KONTAKTDATEN:Ortsteil] Landsberg keine Mehrsprachigkeit