How would you like to arrive?
The church's furnishings are of national importance, especially the altar and the pulpit, not least the baroque wall paintings, which have been uncovered and are extremely rare in northern Germany.
The artistic, nine-part baroque organ prospect is of outstanding importance. The showpiece, decorated with large angel figures and magnificent acanthus leaves, was created in 1707 by the Hornburg master carpenter Georg Froböse (1666-1722) for an organ built in 1710. Unique in Germany are the five angel figures on the organ case, which symbolically play their instruments as soon as the organ begins to make music.
Good to know
Tuesday to Sunday from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
Price info
Other Furnishing/Equipment
Barrier-free access
Contact person
Stadtmarketing Hornburg/ Amt für Tourismus
Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.
Nördliches Harzvorland Tourismusverband e. V.