Important personalities of the city of Görlitz




7.84 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: very easy
  • 02:00 h
  • 68 m
  • 92 m
  • 185 m
  • 223 m
  • 38 m
  • 7.84 km
  • Start: Hugo-Keller-Straße, Görlitz
  • Destination: Jewish cemetery, Görlitz
Görlitz was and is a place of birth and work for many outstanding personalities. Set out on foot or by bike and visit the places where Görlitz personalities have left their mark.

Over the centuries, numerous important personalities have passed through the city of Görlitz and its surroundings. Some of them were born here and represented their native city to the surrounding world with their extraordinary skills and abilities. For others, Görlitz became a second home in which they realized their experiences from elsewhere. Our list of names represents only a small selection of people who are significantly connected to the history of the city and the region. Take a closer look at individual waypoints to get to know the respective personalities and their work better.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Cultural Interesting

  • Stop at an Inn


Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH


Das Landschaftswunderland Oberlausitz


Getting there
Important personalities of the city of Görlitz
02828 Görlitz