How would you like to arrive?
- 05:19 h
- 20.28 km
- 192 m
- 253 m
- 70 m
- 300 m
- 230 m
- Start: Borgholzhausen town center
- Destination: Versmold town center
A breathtaking view, a border crossing and plenty of history await you on the longest stage. From Borgholzhausen, the route leads up to the Luisenturm tower with its panoramic view. Later, you will come across a royal border, historic mills and giant trees in Versmold town park. As if that wasn't enough, a church with an embrasure and a fountain with two names await you at the end of the stage. Because 20 kilometers on foot is a challenge, there are two rest stops along the way.
Good to know
Best to visit
Centre of Borgholzhausen - L785 - Johannisegge/Luisenturm - Hollandskopf - B68 - Westbarthausen - "Sehen" rest area - Salzenteichsheide nature reserve - center of Bockhorst - K24/K335 - Vossieks Mühle - Stockheimer Mühle - Versmold town park - local history museum - Petri Church - market square
The hiking trail is well signposted in both directions. Please follow the red and white signs with the inscription 'Weg für Genießer' and the 'G'.
Tour information
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Borgholzhausen train station
Versmold bus stop Bockhorst-Dorfstraße
Versmold ZOB
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Additional information
City of Borgholzhausen, tel. 05425 80762,
Town of Versmold, Tel. 05423 954110,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weg für Genießer, c/o pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH
pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH Gütersloh
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Stop off at the Luisenturmhütte restaurant!
Safety guidelines
Hiking experience "Borgholzhausen - Versmold - Halle - Werther - Steinhagen & Bielefeld" (2014), publisher: TERRA.vita Nature and Geopark, ISBN 978-3-945096-01-7, €5.80