How would you like to arrive?
- 03:35 h
- 321 m
- 327 m
- 119 m
- 308 m
- 189 m
- 13.66 km
- Start: HalleWestphalia station
- Destination: Borgholzhausen town center
The route from Halle to "Pium", as Borgholzhausen is also known, is characterized by two imposing buildings. The OWL ARENA at the start of the tour stands for modernity and the big wide world. Ravensberg Castle, on the other hand, is the symbol of the Ravensberg region's local history. After descending from the castle hill, hikers pass the picturesque Osning sandstone farms on the way to their destination. Finally, "Pium" awaits with dinosaur tracks and one of the oldest churches.
Good to know
Best to visit
Halle train station - OWL ARENA - B68 - Eggeblick retirement home - Haller Egge - radio station - Hesseltal - Barenberg - Clever Schlucht - Ravensberg Castle - Ravensberg Castle rest area - Hermannshöhen - Barenbergweg - Kultur- und Heimathaus Borgholzhausen - Borgholzhausen church
The hiking trail is well signposted in both directions. Please follow the red and white signs with the inscription 'Weg für Genießer' and the 'G'.
Tour information
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Halle (Westphalia) station
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Additional information
City of HalleWestphalia, tel. 05201 183129,
City of Borgholzhausen, Tel. 05425 80762,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weg für Genießer, c/o pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH
pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH Gütersloh
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Come to the restaurant at Ravensberg Castle at the weekend! The terrace attracts many guests on Sundays and public holidays and invites you to dream away on less busy days. Home-baked cakes and delicious soups and stews made with local ingredients are very popular with guests.
Safety guidelines
Hiking experience "Borgholzhausen - Versmold - Halle - Werther - Steinhagen & Bielefeld" (2014), publisher: TERRA.vita Nature and Geopark, ISBN 978-3-945096-01-7, €5.80