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- 01:00 h
- 1,251 m
- 1,251 m
- 69 m
- 307 m
- 238 m
- 92.17 km
- Start: Halle (Westphalia) station
- Destination: Halle (Westphalia) station
Walking 94 kilometers in one go - that would be something for extreme athletes. That's why we have designed six stages for you, on which you can roam through the towns of Borgholzhausen, Halle, Versmold, Werther and the municipality of Steinhagen. The sections are between 11 and 21 kilometers long and lead partly through flat and partly through hilly terrain. And they each offer plenty of enjoyment in their own right. Make your way to castles and churches, climb observation towers, take a leisurely rest in very special places and experience pure nature.
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Culinary Interesting
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
We recommend that you wear sturdy shoes!
Light footwear is recommended around Versmold.
Directions & Parking facilities
Always know what's running: The smart number for buses and trains in NRW 01803 504030 (timetable information for €0.09/min from a German landline, mobile max. €0.42/min)
Additional information
City of Borgholzhausen, tel. 05425 80762,
City of HalleWestphalia, tel. 05201 183129,
Community of Steinhagen, Tel. 05204 9970,
Town of Versmold, tel. 05423 954110,
Town of Werther, Tel. 05203 7050,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weg für Genießer, c/o pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH
pro Wirtschaft GT GmbH Gütersloh
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines
The trail leads partly through nature and landscape conservation areas. Please stay on the paths.
Please take care when crossing traffic roads!
Hiking map "Weg für Genießer" - 5 Sinne erleben am Teutoburger Wald (2018), publisher: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weg für Genießer, €4.00
Points of sale:
Borgholzhausen: Town hall, Herold stationery shop, Haus Hagemeyer-Singenstroth, Luisenturm hut
Halle (Westphalia): Town hall, Reise & Bahn Agentur Nikel, Rossini, Gasthof Tatenhausen
Steinhagen: Town Hall, bookshop on the church square, Hotel & Restaurant Graf Bernhard 1344, Landgasthof Steinhägerquelle
Versmold: Krüger bookshop, Emil's inn
Werther: Town Hall, Ellerbrock stationery, Lesezeichen bookshop, Bergfrieden Hotel & Restaurant
Hiking experience "Borgholzhausen - Versmold - Halle - Werther - Steinhagen & Bielefeld" (2014), publisher: TERRA.vita Nature and Geopark, ISBN 978-3-945096-01-7, €5.80