Short and crisp - on the forest trail to Quirl



5.75 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 02:20 h
  • 340 m
  • 330 m
  • 142 m
  • 347 m
  • 205 m
  • 5.75 km
  • Start: Zwiesel- branch of the road to Cunnersdorf from the Bielatalstraße
  • Destination: Zwiesel- branch of the road to Cunnersdorf from the Bielatalstraße
On this short and crisp hike we use the trekking paths of the Forststeig to reach the summit of the Quirl. The Quirl massif is known for its multitude of caves. Especially for children it is exciting to discover and explore them!

Starting point (Zwiesel branch of the road to Cunnersdorf from the Bielatalstraße) - marking of the Forststeig - Quirlpromenade - Diebskeller - Quirlaussicht - Kanonenweg - Sterlhöhlen - Forststeig - Unterer Kohlweg - bivouac site on the Forststeig - starting point.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Cultural Interesting

  • Loop Road

  • Loop Road

  • Summit


Maren Pussak/Nationalparkverwaltung Sächsische Schweiz


Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz


Getting there
Short and crisp - on the forest trail to Quirl
01824 Königstein/Sächs. Schw.