- 04:30 h
- 489 m
- 489 m
- 191 m
- 403 m
- 212 m
- 16.70 km
- Start: Wanderparkplatz Schankweiler Klause
- Destination: Wanderparkplatz Schankweiler Klause
This hiking route in the NaturWanderPark delux is named after the Schankweiler Klause.
"Droben stehet die Kapelle, schauet still ins Tal hinab". The words of the poet Ludwig Uhland are the most beautiful reality for the Schankweiler Klause. In the midst of the solitude of the forest, it stands on an advanced rock plateau, on a steep slope to the lovely Enz valley, above the villages of Holsthum and Schankweiler. It consists of a baroque chapel and a hermit's house attached to the side. According to legend, it goes back to a crusader who promised to build a chapel on the spot where his horse first trod on home soil. Enter the chapel and be surprised by the rich rococo interior and the magnificent high altar. This place of grace to the "Mother of Good Counsel" has been the destination of countless pilgrims since its foundation in 1648 and has been the home of numerous hermits.
Enchanting landscapes
Perhaps you too will come a little closer to the miracle of creation on this beautiful circular route, and you will certainly be enchanted by the landscapes you pass through on this tour. They span between picturesque craggy rock massifs and the typical South Eifel orchards, which create an enchanting picture during the fruit blossom in spring. Along with the hop fields, they bear witness to the mild climate that prevails here. Apparently, people felt at home here thousands of years ago, as evidenced by several prehistoric and early historic monuments that you will encounter along the way, including the Langenstein menhir, Roman burial grounds, the Viking castle and an ancient stone box tomb.
All in all, the route offers you a varied mix of forest, field and meadow passages with great views - close to nature and wonderfully relaxing. With a little luck, you will see deer or wild boars along the forest paths.
Good to know
Best to visit
Eifel Tourismus GmbH